Friday, September 26, 2014

Meadham Kircchoff Spring 2015 Review

           I've been looking forward to another Meadham Kircchoff collection, and I was excited to see that this one was quite the improvement from previous collections of this label. Less kitsche-y, more serious. And fun, of course!       
          Look 1's leotard wasn't all that special, but I loved the yellow tights with little spikes all over. Perfect for a plain outfit you want to make fun. 2 was even more delightful; a shaggy, baggy, haphazard white dress with red beaded strings hanging all over. Homemade in the best way. Look 4 was plain ugly; I can't stand clothing with overly ''digital'' or ''robotic'' aspects. It's just not pretty. Prettiness should not always be the goal, but the complete opposite isn't a good option either. 8 was pure perfection; a blue confection! Another shaggy look, but this time very girly and grungy at the same time. I loved the petticoat skirt and black edges especially.
                  After this we had a lot of just weird, plastic looks. But 14 was another fantastic look,  hot pink and a lot shorter than 8. 18, with its flowers and pretty pink shade, could have been awesome, if it weren't for that gnarly synthetic material. 19 would be amazing with a slip underneath; yet again, the shagginess and ''imperfection'' made this look  stylish. This one was all black, very long, with a drop down sleeve on the left side. 24's Madonna cone bra was a bit too Gaultier. I really loved 29, for its shredded and sewn up look, and all those pretty flowers. 35 was another favorite; this looked a bit more like a normal dress, but it still had the ''made it myself''' look. It reminded me of a honey comb fallen in burs.
              Some   of these  looks were a bit  gnarly to me, especially 34 and 38. They reinvented things that were perfectly fine the way they were. But what I loved was how this collection made colorfully grungy clothes. It was rough and tumble, but not just gray and brown.Over all, LURVLY.

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